After my last post on the Penis being unable to touch the Cervix
Lot of men disputed it
saying they steadily touch the Cervix during sex
No one is an Island of knowledge

I took 24 hours to go through research papers, journal to understand better

Could they be right?
A thread
As earlier stated the cervix is the lower portion of the Uterus, usually it measures about 2-3 cm
The Vagina varies in length about roughly (7.6- 17.7 cm) (Intl Journal of O and G)

The length of vagina changes during Sex, childbirth, etc to receive or expel Penis or child, etc
During arousal the vagina elongates, lifting up the cervix adding a little distance
Average length during sex is 10cm to 20cm
According to a study by the Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 68 percent of Men have Penises of 11.7 to 15.2cm

16 percent have longer than 15.5 cm, and only 2.5 percent are over 17.5 cm

About 16% have it shorter than 11.43 inches with only 2.5% having it under 9.4cm
It is widely shown in pictures that the Erect penis makes a straight bulls eye for the vagina during sex, No

An MRI done in the earlier 20th century on couples having sex showed that the Penis actually curves likes a banana during sex when it is in the Vagina

Pic shown below
With all these facts. It will be safe to assume that Men can actually to get to the cervix giving the above stated ranges and facts

But this act of valour might only be able to be fulfilled by only 20 % of men

Note touch the cervix, not penetrate the Cervix
Note, every pain during sex called Dyspareunia doesn’t mean your cervix is being touched, other things can cause it

Other causes:

-Vaginal dryness
-Injury eg from childbirth, procedure

If you notice this please see a Doctor
Big thanks to Doctors Motoni @tonisunny35 Pelumi @tawosepj Andre @ChizzyAndre whose collegial discussions and explanations prompted the research and this thread
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