So it seems 20–40% of people don’t want to get vaccinated.. They should have hired a marketer. How to 100% of people vaccinated? A thread:
2) I would have rolled vaccination out in phases. #1. THE ILLEGAL PHASE. I’d have started in November, only with the black market. People who really needed the vaccine would have found a way to get it, plus the early adopters to generate word-of-mouth afterward.
3) Many vaccine skeptics and alt-media consumers would have started thinking “if the government doesn’t allow it, it must be good”.
4) #2. INVITE-ONLY PHASE. Basically the current “highest-risk first” phase, but with look and feel of an invitation to an exclusive club. (before others get invited). Secondly, I would have included the dreaded influencers. Even more anti-vaxxers would have gone “hmm”.
Business as usual to get normal people vaccinated.
As a marketer, I would have set aside some budget to produce _great_ TV and social media ads about the benefits. And look into signalling eg. produce “I’m safe” pins.
Like the previous step, but heavy promotion on TV shopping channels and via multi-level marketing schemes a la Herbalife.

You can follow @andruspurde.
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