Background on the thin blue line flag. My hometown a few years ago had many displayed around town. The reason is that there was a mass shooter at our town festival and thanks to the men and women wearing blue that day shot and stopped him so quickly from what coulda easily...
Would have costed more peoples lives. This doesn’t mean my town was racist. I absolutely hate that that flag can be seen as a symbol of racism by people when it represents the fallen because of some groups that arose to counter protest black lives matter.
I dont believe in ACAB either ive been profiled twice before and I still think there is a far more good than bad in that line of work. But there have been officers that helped me through a traumatic event in my youth such as sheriff Quiñonez and ill never forget it
But to make claims of certain groups waving that flag (which was perceived very differently before this last spring/summer) is dumb as fuck and just seems like targeting to label them in a certain way.
/before I get attacked as some maga bro or racist that is the far from the truth. I just think this targeting and slander is bs and theres men and women who wear a badge during the day scattered around the NE and im not looking at them different than who they are before summer
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