ALL, STOP BELIEVING what’s being FEED TO YOU! The world isn’t ENDING! I don’t give a FLIP about a power outage in a THRID WORLD COUNTRY, nor the BS in NJ! It happens ALL THE TIME. GOOD LORD PEOPLE WAKE UP! It’s going 2 B a bumpy ride, it’s NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! I’m in the
Swamp I’m a freaking Senior Government Official. Calm down & STOP PANICKING! STOP listening to the MOUTHPIECES they aren’t there i am! I get DAILY BRIEFS & work 100+ hrs a week! Ron & Lin and many more are only working on their followers, I’m NOT! I won’t mislead ANYONE! Nothing
These guys have said is true other than than the freaking obvious that anyone could figure out. For the love of God relax. Nothing ever moves fast in DC even when they have full control. We still have a few solid workers there & the filibuster! It’s 4yrs of bumpy roads, it’s NOT
The end or anything close to that! You guys are going to drive yourself into depression and health issues. If there was anything legit going on, my followers know I would get the word out. Just calm down. You’re putting all you’re faith into idiots! I’m there in the swamp, calm
Down and DON’T live in FEAR, that’s what they thrive off of to bring you down! If something was going down, I’d alert you even though I know I’d lose my job! At this point I don’t even care anymore. Take care of yourself & stop this BS. Live your life. Things will change some.
But it takes time for all their changes. Some of the changes won’t even affect your daily life. Just calm down, I’m so SICK of reading all this fear mongering BS. That’s part of the problem! I don’t care about followers, I’m telling you the truth. If you dm me forget it I don’t
Have time 2 answer U. If you bash me I could care less bash all the way who cares I def don’t. I’m trying to comfort ALL & let you know this isn’t dooms day good Lord come on already! If I get banned I’m on Parler @Jacfam2 I’m sick of the ones in FEAR STOP IT & STOP SPREADING IT
You can follow @Jacfam2.
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