the fact that this account exists is just the funniest shit. and the “g-g-guys lolicon and furries are two sides of the same c-c-coin 🥺🥺” is genuinely the funniest fucking thing i have ever read. i have explained numerous times why this ISN’T a correct argument. it’s unreal.
you see fellas, the best way i can break it down is that there are good furries, and there are bad furries. but there is NO such thing as a good lolicon. why? well because they sexualize children. i dont care what you say, lolicon sexualizes children. they are clearly (cont.)
supposed to emulate a child. the have the same mental capacity as a child, that is to say the act like a child, they have child like proportions (small, undeveloped body big head) and usually their age is that of a child’s. if the loli is a dragon, their age is a child’s (cont.)
in their species, so no your bullshit “they’re 500 years old” excuse doesnt fucking work because they look and act like a child. furries, although strange imo, like anthro animals... which dont exist IRL, making them more detached from reality than people say “lolis” are. (cont.)
now lolicons assume i am the type of person who wouldnt fucking shit on people who wanna fuck fictional animals. i dont judge people who wanna fuck anthro animals AS MUCH because anthro dogs DONT FUCKING EXIST and as long as the people they fuck with fursuits are adults, idc
the thing about wanting to fuck a loli is that the only thing that you care about with them is that they are young and you find that hot YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE?? why is that so fucking hard to understand??
i forgot to say this last night but liking loli characters =/= lolicon. lolicons are explicitly sexually attracted to them. (also note, when i say lolicon, i ALSO mean shotacon)
there is also a fundamental component missing in your head to be able to compare “video games causing violence” to “lolicon makes you a pedophile.” because games that have you firing a gun to kill evil things like zombies and shit are detached from reality. (cont.)
“and what about games that have you shoot other people?” if it’s a game like COD where you know the person who you’re shooting is being played by another person, you subconsciously acknowledge that this isnt a real situation, and it isnt going to affect you in any negative way.
in a game like GTAV where you run iver, shoot, explode and damage/kill just about everyone you can see, the “people” you are killing are not real people and aren’t developed as such, as in they have no character, no story to them. so your brain isnt wired to see them as real
contrast this to a game like TLOU2 in which you are forced to kill characters that are seen as the good guy or people who havent done anything to deserve death and YOU FEEL BAD?? if someone has been developed into a real character you are more sympathetic to them (cont.)
and thus if you ever have to kill them, you feel like shit?? media is immersive, it’s easy to feel like they are tangible. if someone laughs at a death of an innocent that is well done, that is to say impactful and makes you feel like they have died, it looks bad, right?
for example you could laugh at the death of someone that looks bad in a movie bc if it’s done badly, it BREAKS the immersion of the movie and allows you to laugh at it. a well crafted death scene makes you feel for the character.
i know im repeat myself but that’s kind of the point. i hate the argument that fiction doesnt affect reality, it does, your brain is constantly developing and picking up new things. if your brain learns to find undeveloped bodies and childlike behavior attractive, you like kids.
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