What percentage of the general public in the UK know that COVID is airborne, that you can catch it from entering a space which an infected person has been in recently, etc?
It's just my hunch, but I feel a lot of the UK's COVID problems stem from the early messaging that it was flu-like, and the "hands, face, space" thing. Of course people are going to pick it up if they've got a wrong mental model of how it transmits and what's safe.
I keep thinking of the barber opposite school. Every day in the autumn, two staff, five or six customers. All day. Occasional masks. Any one of them has COVID, and anyone in there, or who sets foot in there for maybe up to an hour after, gets COVID. Crazy.
Also how many people know that a mask doesn't protect you very much at all? It has to be the infected person wearing the mask. And even then, it isn't all that much benefit. People think they're invincibility shields but you need total compliance from everyone to get much benefit
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