Every white person who says or thinks *any* Trump supporter has been brainwashed or otherwise "led astray" at all by social media, Fox, or any other source, is literally part of the problem.

RACISM is the appeal. Trump's only been telling them what they've always wanted to hear.
Your denial only aids and abets racism.

Your dismissal and downplaying of the racism of YOUR family, YOUR friends, and people YOU choose to associate with is racist.

Unless you are actively and consistently *anti-racist*, your inaction maintains and upholds racism.

It doesn't matter who it is in your life that you choose to keep in your life, if they are racist and you allow that, YOU, too, are racist.

And if you feel this is too harsh, really think deeply about why that is; why you feel there should be room for racists in your life.
Only racists choose to accept racists into their life.
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