Obviously there are untreated mental health issues here.

The question to ask ourselves is how is Republican far right toxic propaganda destabilizing those with mental health concerns (vulnerability) so effectively? https://twitter.com/macfarlanenews/status/1348058375444193283
The text messages he wrote reveal a seriously disturbed individual with murderous intent.

While Trump isn’t responsible for the mental problems, he is directly responsible for shaping the intent of the man’s violent fantasies and actions.

That’s stochastic terrorism.
The terms "narratives of insecurity", "scripted violence" & "stochastic terrorism" are linked in an indirect chain cause–effect relationship. Public use of "narratives of insecurity" can prompt the rhetoric of "scripted violence" which can result in "stochastic terrorism".
Science has revealed the process of radicalization and researched the likelihood of mental illness as a contributing factor in vulnerability to this process.

We know how it works. So does the far right.
So why is there a debate about free speech when we know some forms of speech made by political and other leaders is directly responsible for the stochastic violence perpetrated on political opponents and the public at large?
Because the vast majority of the population doesn’t know about the direct connection between rhetoric and violence carried out when stochastic terrorists incite violence.

There is still a widespread belief that it’s violent mentally ill people unable to control their behaviour.
While the specific identity of violent actors can not be predicted, science can predict the probability incidents will occur based on the amount of toxic rhetoric used.

Also, those more vulnerable to “narratives of insecurity” and “scripted violence” can reliably be identified.
The technology exists to determine who in the population is more susceptible to narratives of insecurity. When identified, those individuals can be micro targeted with “scripted violence” dramatically increasing the likelihood of violence.
Target several vulnerable people and you can create an army of stochastic terrorists. And this explains the existence of Q’Anon and Dominionists.

All while maintaining plausible deniability in the radicalization and incitement to commit violent acts of terrorism.
Stochastic terrorism caused the Capitol Hill insurrection.

But it’s being used by more than just Trump.

Canadian conservatives use this form of rhetoric frequently.

Because the causal link is not widely known, politicians continue to incite violence with impunity.
There is a lot of research on Stochastic terrorism that is available. Mainstream media should be educating the public. But they aren’t. Rather, they amplify and reinforce narratives of insecurity and scripted violence. They are helping conservatives destabilize democracy.
We now have evidence how dangerous this form of speech is to civil society. We have evidence that social media enables widespread plausible deniability for politicians when lies and propaganda are allowed.
We have evidence of MSM complicity in publishing subversive narratives and suppression of information about stochastic terrorism.

As citizens we need to respond by demanding an end to the acceptance of the use of stochastic terrorism in Canada. By all politicians and leaders.
Because it’s not just politicians using stochastic terrorist tactics.

When leaders create “us” and “them” polarization and dehumanize the enemy, that’s the process of radicalization.
Dominionist Christian leaders have used this process to maintain control of their followers for decades.

With technological advancements, they now have access to information that can enable micro targeting of the most vulnerable in their sphere of influence.
It may be difficult for you to believe that those who identify as devout Christians would be using technology to radicalize the most vulnerable and cause violent acts of terrorism.

But that’s your own assumption of what Christians are capable of.
The most vulnerable people who believe in their own self-righteousness and sanctimony are more capable of the worst acts of violence, because they believe their victims deserve condemnation and punishment and they believe they themselves are executing God’s justice.
There is a long history of Christian terrorism and violence called Inquisitions. So don’t be fooled into believing Christians are all warm and fuzzy peaceniks. The most devout and radicalized Christians are certainly not spreading peace and love.

Dominionism is not a religious belief. It’s a political movement. Created and funded by those who want to reclaim the power and control over society and social behaviour once possessed by the clergy and faith leaders of the past. Remember this isn’t all churches and Christians.
The combination of religious nationalism & white supremacist beliefs & values is a noxious mix. That’s Dominionism.

In previous eras of history, it’s referred to as fascism.

Whatever you prefer to call it, it’s presence can no longer be ignored in Canadian politics.
We can no longer tolerate the intolerable. Because it leads to violence and terrorism.

The most vulnerable are being radicalized and turned into weapons to harm the public.

Only obedience to their toxic forms of belief & values will satisfy those who lust for wealth & power.
By any definition or name, that’s fascism.

We must recognize what’s happening in Canadian politics before we end up like the US. They have much to do ahead of them to restore democracy.

Canada hasn’t lost its democratic foundations yet. Please learn to recognize fascism.
To learn more how Dominionist cults manipulate vulnerable members of the population, this podcast is a great place to start.
You can follow @sunnshiiny.
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