Thread: my thoughts on remote learning. My original tweet lacked all nuance.

Engagement rates are known as conversion rates in the sales industry.

You are teachers, not salespeople.
Whilst these are unusual, unfamiliar circumstances, I think it’s important for teachers and school leaders to maintain that several boundaries still exist.
It’s really easy for the lines to blur at the moment, and for the role of the teacher to lose a little clarity as we adapt to grasp new knowledge, new process and navigate a way of working, often without policy just yet of what remote learning should look like.
Several principles still apply:

- you know how to teach
- you know your subject
- you know your students

The responsibility to provide lessons remains the same,within the framework of those principles but contextualised by both your students but also, and just as importantly..
For yourself. Is the standard set, following those key principles, sustainable: for a month? Three months? Without childcare? At a level of workload that doesn’t impact your health? If not, then it isn’t effective.

Equally, you didn’t collect students from home, hand them a pen, march them into school and then present your subject as some form of edutainment to entice them into learning. The same rules apply here.

Teaching is what teachers do. #fin
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