25 years ago today my dad died. Although it is a long time ago, it also feels like it was 5 minutes ago. I miss him a great deal and there is clearly a lot of my life he didn’t get to see, but I am fortunate in a lot of ways. 1.
Because of who my dad was and what he did, I got to have many incredible experiences. I got to meet lots of different people and experience the world of broadcasting. He was a local radio presenter, who did a bit of television here and there.
Family was important to him and so he involved his children with his work where he could. His family history had been in music hall and he had a love of dogs. He combined those two elements in his work. It sounds strange but it worked.
He liked to put on shows for his listeners. I think the first one was in 1981 (although I can be corrected).
He then regularly arranged shows in the areas where his radio programme was broadcast – @BBCDerby , @BBCLeicester , @BBCRadioLincs and @BBCNottingham . He also took his listeners to the London Palladium. He hired trains and took them to the Blackpool Winter Gardens.
This was part of his passion for the live experience and the family tradition in Music Hall. Generally speaking, he took his children along. Sometimes we even got roped into doing things...
In addition to this he broadcast on radio programmes 6 days a week. He liked to be busy. He was interested in the local area he lived in. Although he had been born in London, he saw Nottingham and the East Midlands as his home.
In 1993 he decided to make a video of the city. I’m afraid I am responsible for some of the dodgy camera work. It was lovely to see that last year @nigelbig had found the video and posted it on YouTube.
It brought back happy memories. So today is a sad day, but it has also given me a chance to think about happy times #DennisMcCarthy and thank you to those who also remember him
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