I think there’s a general misunderstanding as to what Lab4Indy is trying to achieve.

Never do we say that voting for Labour will achieve independence right now. We don’t ask people to vote for us in the hope we can do that. Vote for Labour in May if you like our offer 🤷🏼‍♂️

What we are trying to do is two-fold:

1) we’re giving indycurious members a space in the party to discuss indy, to move toward changing the party’s stance on independence, as we believe it’s the best means to achieving socialism.

Our aim is primarily internal.

We’re not saying that Labour is a pro-indy party. It isn’t. Not yet.

What we’re trying to do is change our party culture and open the debate on how it is we can achieve socialism - our members have come to the conclusion that it is not possible through the union.

If you want a pro-independence party, Labour isn’t it right now. What Labour is, though, is a complicated coalition of socialists, social democrats, trade unionists, unionists, federalists, and independentistas - all jostling to frame the debate in the party.

We’re doing that through a few methods: we’re currently supporting motions in CLPs that will come to fruition in the coming weeks that signal a step change in the party at the grassroots. We’re supporting indy members in every CLP to host debates, receive speakers, etc.

We’re encouraging and supporting members to stand for selection in every faction, in unions, in branches and CLPs, and in elections. In that, we now have Lab4Indy members on the central committees of UK Momentum, Welsh Labour Grassroots, Open Labour, Welsh Labour Students,

The Co-Operative Party, The Fabians, we have members working for MSs, for MPs, we have councillors, we have CLP and branch officers, and we have members in almost every socialist society affiliated to Labour.

This demonstrates that the desire for indy is widespread.

The next phase in the group’s strategy now has to move on from a group of individuals to mass membership, and by extension, mobilisation to bring about these discussions in all of these fora.

It brings us sort of neatly (and briefly, sorry 😅) to our second aim:

2) to provide a Labourist (and socialist) rationale for supporting independence.

YesCymru’s role in the movement is pivotal. It explains to people what can happen if we choose to demand it. What WE need to do is convince people, without alienation, why they SHOULD.

It’s not just our responsibility, but that of every indy supporting group. Plaid have a vision for indy, Ein Gwlad have a vision (🙃), we have a different one.

But what we offer to our voters and members is an opportunity to support indy without personal contradiction.

Independence will not come through the #Senedd21 election, and it won’t be won by just /having/ a referendum.

What we need to do is change people’s attitudes to what is possible, personally and nationally. That won’t come about by bashing them for their allegiance.

It’ll come by changing people’s demands, by changing their material circumstances. It’ll be a cross-party project. It has to be.

And what we’re building is the logic and rationale for a Labour Party that could support indy. We’re not there yet, but we’re making progress.

We don’t expect you to vote for us yet, we have to earn that right by changing our party’s offer and giving you something you CAN vote for.

What I’m asking is that people understand what we’re doing. Let us try, and if we fail, we fail. If we don’t, we win an indyWales.

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