Where are people at on the whole thing?

I don't get "planned coup" vibes so much as a logical result of both an administrative reluctance to crack down on its supporters, a fair bit of incompetence, and the police/military reluctance to view white protests as a serious threat.
When I say it wasn't a "planned coup" I mean in the sense that while there was definitely a broad political goal ("stop the steal") through a show of strength and popular support, I don't think that for most of those involved there was a specific plan beyond that vague impetus.
While certain elements of the protestors may have had the goal of provoking a confrontation with police (in the hope of further radicalisation). Or even storming the building itself (to find tunnels). None of it comes off as a conspiracy in the sense the term usually means.
You can call it an attempted coup if you want, I don't take objection with that.

But I'm wary of asserting the kind of conspiratorial intent that we often find so ridiculous in the other side.
It's just difficult to understand it as the product of concerted and informed planning because if it was the question becomes: did that plan fail? Or did it succeed?

If it failed, why? If it succeeded? How?
Which is not to say that they wouldn't have killed someone important if they got their hands on them. Not to say intentions were good!

Just that if your plan is to seize the seat of power by force & hold it, then you bring a fucking .50cal not a bison hat & your racist aunt.
And yeah, I guess there could have been a plan by a determined cadre to use the cover of the protests as an in to the Capitol, but if so: that part (protestors getting into the Capitol) was a success!

So where were they? Lots of dudes wearing tacticool, not a lot of tactics.
More evidence, with more footage and further investigation, may change the picture that's currently painted, I'm open to that.

But the picture as it stands is sufficiently fkd up without going further than what's pretty apparent.
And again, this is not some defence of it. Or a dismissal of the option.

It's not to buy into the trope of the idiot redneck fascist who is no real threat to anyone. If you've read 5% of my tweets you know that's not my line to run.

If anything it's a sign of more to come.
I think that for a lot of em it was like if "storm area 51" had worked. They overran the guards, made it into the hanger and were standing amidst the aliens thinking "fuck, what now".

I suspect the organised and hardcore elements are and have been ramping up for a long fight.
There is also this, for sure. The language of traitors and RINOs is not accidental.

For some at least the audience for all this was those in their home states.

I jokingly called it Fashstock2021 in response to this, but I think what Roj points to here is in many ways more dire than the alternative proposed by coup theorists.

In that Fashstock2021 was a resounding success. https://twitter.com/Roj_Ame/status/1348211926342406146?s=19
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