Agreed. Shortly after really coming to the Lord in college, I stumbled upon Bible Prophecy teachings, End Times, and a world of conspiracy theories related to One World Govt, New World Order, Illuminati, etc. I had it memorized and could rattle it off. But, none of it was Jesus.
2/ I wanted power, glory, control and the conspiracy theories helped. I was a functioning Neo-Confederate in my 20s (didn’t realize it) and read Pat Buchanan books/articles, listened to Rush, believed Clinton was behind all evil. But, there was Jesus. The message of the Cross.
3/ What I write about is from first-hand experience, from seeing one side and then the other. It’s looking to Jesus that changed me. I could’ve been in that mob at the Capitol and thought I was doing right. I see how the thought process works. But, Jesus stepped in w/ the Cross.
4/ Then this. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4.

Verses like that pierced me. The Cross at work.
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