Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now and forever shall be. World without end, Amen.

The gospel of the baptism really spoke to what I needed to hear. Streaming mass is different but still, the word is the same.
Jesus was baptised to bridge the gap between man and God by adding the Spirit to where only water was. He ushered an era of love over works and that baptism is a calling for all those who believe into the family of God and co heirship with Christ.
The dove symbolized the Spirit when God spoke and the significance of this can be traced back to Genesis when the dove announced to Noah that the waters had rescinded and it was safe. The dove is a symbol of a new era and a calm assurance of God's works is our lives, always.
Baptism is therefore a recreation of the old self and that recreation is rooted in Christ and through Christ, we know who God is. The world today is difficult to live in because there is an identity crisis since people are rooted in passing ideologies and not the immutable Word.
Man's ultimate reality is God but because we do not know Him, we do not have a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment can only come from knowing your purpose in life and actively working towards it. God, whom we know through Christ, answers all of life's greatest questions completely.
Man, outside God, has no sense of identity and hops from one understanding to another. When we identify yourself through Christ in baptism, we have a direct access to God. Christ is both truly man and truly God and he knows the weaknesses of man and proclaims God's eternal love.
Living in Christ to know God is a life ofnperpertual obedience. Christ was obedient to God until death and at His weakest point in the garden of Gethsemane he was tempted to forfeit His purpose but instead, he chose to obey and asked God that His will, not His, be done.
When we are baptised in Jesus' name, we die to our old self and the new creature that is created is bound to a life of obedience to God because obeying God is a sign of sonship. God doesn't force us to obey Him but instead, presents who He is and then leaves us with a choice.
Baptism also brings revelation of who we are, why we are alive and what waits for us beyond this life we are living. That revelation breeds focus and that focus is the birth of faith which faith we can grow by evangelism- calling others to the truth. The truth is Christ
At the very core, from anyone, Christianity is about loving God, believing that He sent His Son for our salvation and loving others. Anything else outside of this is a personal relationship where God convinces you, through His Word, to act in a particular way.
God's eveready to forgive and reason with you despite the magnitude of your sins. God hates the sin but he doesn't hate you. God hates lying, but He doesn't hate you because you are a liar. God hates stealing but He doesn't hate you because you are a thief. He wants to transform
He says in Isaiah that we must seek Him while he is still to be found and that He is rich in forgiving. Church doctrines make it seem like you first have to be perfect befirenyounsearch for Him. No. You just need to have a desire to want to know Him and He will reveal Himself.
Also in Isaiah, He says that His word does not return to Him without carrying out His will and without succeeding in what it was meant to do. At the centre, God has plans for you to prosper and until that is done, His word will always be in your life. What's His Word?
His Word is the Bible which was written through the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit which Holy Spirit knows God, is God, because in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word is God (Genesis) and also the Word became flesh and lived with us (John)
So essentially, the Word is both Devine and also flesh. The Word is alive to our faults as men since He lived with us and also, the Word knows the extent of God's grace since the Word is God. Because we believe in Christ, we are therefore close to this helper who knows all. Amen!
There is so much to say and I can feel it in me that someone needs this Word. If you aren't, be baptised and sign in to this network of love and support that is eternal and unconditional. Your perfection will come later but for now, take the first step.

Have a great day.
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