Lord have mercy...folks are already telling Dems in the South and Midwest what they need to be doing or how they should be running more progressive candidates because GA went blue. Stahp it! Do you know how much work folks put in to win these races? Do you know how hard those
people in GA worked over the years...especially the last 6 months? The special elections alone are political miracles! Do you know in 2 months they basically ran 2 GOTV campaigns? The first involved getting MILLIONS registered to sign up to even be able to vote in the special
election. For those that don’t know...voting in November didn’t mean it was automatic registration to vote in the special election...by design to suppress the vote. Second...they had to turn out millions of voters in
the middle of a pandemic, a deranged POTUS telling people they were cheating, AND a damn pandemic! Give the folks on the ground and the people that helped their props! If you’re not donating, knocking doors, texting, phone banking, writing letters/postcards, organizing, or
actually doing something to help win these red seats...hush. Nobody needs or wants criticism from folks that aren’t doing a damn thing to help win. Again...give these folks their props. They deserve it.
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