To all the women who struggle with a massive hairfall or receding hairline, before you go ahead to rule out PCO or get your hormones checked, I'd suggest you make sure you don't have basic vitamin/mineral deficiencies, first.
So, let's start with Vit D. Get your Vit D checked. Go out in the sun more often. Get the vitamin in your system. Vit D is essential for the growth of new hair follicles. If you're deficient, naturally it will hinder hair growth.
Vitamin B, esp B9 and B12. These are associated with the normal RBC production which in turn carry oxygen and nutrients to different parts of your body including your scalp. Same, with Iron. Anaemia -> hairloss.
Vit C is an antioxidant as well as helps in collagen production which is basically what your hair growth requires.
All cells need Vit A to grow esp your hair which grows the fastest. It also helps in glandular secretions (sebum = nourishes and moisturizes the scalp). Dry scalp means more dandruff means more hairfall.
Vit E acts an antioxidant which eliminates free radicals and promotes better cell growth and function.
Zinc is a mineral that helps in tissue growth and repair. It keeps the glands around your hair follicles healthy. Hair loss is commonly associated with Zinc deficiency, btw.
Lots and lots of protein, since that's what your hair is made of. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh and drink a lot of water.
So, instead of getting all sorts of hair treatment and tests for the conditions that your probably don't have ( and wasting all that time, money and energy), incorporate nutrient rich food in your diet as a general rule and get checked for deficiencies of the same.
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