The beauty of motherhood is not in reproduction, the beauty of motherhood is in inclusion. It's not because your mother reproduced you, that's not why mother is precious, its because in many ways she saw you as a part of herself

Mothers are like relentless tides, they just drive you to better things in life but they drive to greatness, her love doesn't make one timid and dependent but stronger and independent

Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged, n we saw the same between @sidharth_shukla n his mother, her love for him was his peace n his bliss, there was an endearing tenderness that transcended all other affections of his heart and we were all moist eyed
A mother doesn't raise heroes, he raises a son, n if treated like a son they turn out to be heroes, just like @sidharth_shukla is a hero not only just in her eyes but an inspiration n hero for millions, how proud must be Rita Ma for her son

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