They made it into McConnell's offices as well - I haven't seen that discussed anywhere else. Everyone's been focused on the guy taking pics with his feet up on Pelosi's desk.

Just image the national security implications.
On New Years Eve, the Chief of the Capitol Police couldn't (wouldn't?) give Maxine Waters a clear answer regarding what threat intelligence they had.
As insurrectionists were approaching the building, Maxine Waters called the Chief of Police to ask what the plan was. His only response was that they were "doing the best they can."

*so long as you believe they're useful tools to enforce your violent white supremacist ideology; otherwise, well,
One question I continue to have - where was Kamala? She was supposed to be there (screenshot from another article). We know exactly what time security removed Pence and Pelosi. But I've seen zero reporting about Kamala. Which makes me wonder: did the insurrectionists get close?
Back to the WaPo article, I've heard this elsewhere, but it clarifies that when Capitol Police shot that woman, the mob was less than 10 feet away from an OPEN DOOR INTO THE HOUSE OF REPS CHAMBER WHERE REPS WERE STILL BEING EVACUATED
You may also have seen the video of a Black officer being forced up a stairwell by insurrectionists. Apparently, they didn't know they were right outside unlocked Senate doors. They followed him, and he bought security time to seal the Senate.
I think this is him.
The article makes clear that basically everyone inside the building was calling anyone they could think of. A McConnell advisor called Barr's Chief of Staff, who'd just left his job at DOJ. That guy in turn called the FBI Deputy Director to say, shit has gone real sideways.
So then the Deputy Director of the FBI decides to start dispatching tactical teams to the Capitol without even contacting Capitol Police (he decides he doesn't have time) and tells the teams they do not have time to stage and move together.
Imagine the top lawmakers from what is supposedly the most powerful country on the planet calling anyone they can think of to send out an SOS. What the absolute fuck.
Then, the head of Senate security implodes in front of at least Lindsey Graham, Joe Manchin, and others, and says he wished he'd retired last week. Jesus fuck.
I've been horrified. Aghast. I didn't think I could get horrified-er, aghast-er. But my God. We came within millimeters of a cataclysmic blow to the US government instigated by our own President.
Last one - I am hung up on the Kamala thing. We've gotten bits of info about everyone else in leadership. When security whisked them away, Pelosi calling Ralph Northam, etc. But just nothing about Kamala. Was she injured? Did they come close? I'm bothered by the lack of info here
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