One of these tweets was determined to be 'inciting violence'.

Nazism, anti-Semitism, and racism, that escaped Nazi Germany, ended up surviving and flourishing after all. It took them only a little more than half a century to resurrect.
"What saved the Frankfurt School was its transplantation under duress to America.

What went unnoticed was that the ideals for which they sought tolerance were themselves anything but tolerant. I

America would not have to descend into Hell; Hell had come to America"
"The assault on the citadels of Western culture had many fronts, but foremost among them was sex—the most powerful engine in human existence, the one that brings us closest to the Godhead"
"The “transgressive” assault on Western culture had to start somewhere, and it started with the idea of the nuclear family."
"The first step was to mock it
... then to accuse it of various crimes against humanity
then to illustrate that there were “really” other sorts of families, just as good, just as loving, just as valid at the traditional two-parent, opposite-sex
"Finally, the nuclear family was simply dispensed with altogether
Critical Theory’s obsessive compulsion with its genitals is not the sign of a mature culture but a childish one"
"Thus, like Rosemary’s baby in the iconic movie of that title, the culture of death was born in a country that had formerly welcomed babies and children.
Leftists love zero-sum games and “scientific” prophecies of certain doom: “climate change,” "peak oil,” etc."
"But what, precisely, was the problem that the Left sought so desperately to fix? What required the destruction of the preexisting system of cultural and social mores? The answer— ... was nothing."
"Not every sex act has larger meaning, of course, but the goal of Critical Theory was to reduce human beings to the level of animals (“If it feels good, do it”) and to deny the transcendent component that had driven creative artists for centuries."
"Herbert Marcuse, the author of Eros and Civilization, celebrated “polymorphous perversity,” advocating the
liberating power of sex, but only in the narrowest sense: liberation from the (in his view) arbitrary and capricious strictures laid down by culture and civilization."
"But Marcuse knew that a populace engaged in pointless sexual intercourse was a populace uninterested in much of anything else; thus “polymorphous perversity” weakens the foundations of the society he sought to undermine."
These are excerpts from the very interesting, intriguing, and provocative book, "The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West", by Michael Walsh.
(IIRC @orsoraggiante had suggested this book) 
"What the Left and Islam have in common is the only thing that matters to either: a will to power and a desire for submission on the part of their enemies. Doctrinal
differences (and there are many) between two innately totalitarian movements can be sorted out later."
"What matters is that the Principal Enemy first be defeated, since he—us—represents an immediate moral and mortal
threat. Thee swiftest path to victory for both lies not in confrontation, but in our unilateral cultural disarmament." 
"“Under the rule of a repressive whole, liberty can be made into a powerful instrument of domination,” wrote Marcuse in One-Dimensional Man."
"German Communists such as the Frankfurt School adherents hated and resented both American hegemony and American technology, which they viewed as soulless and vulgar."
"The proper response to this over-intellectualized twaddle is laughter. And therein lies the rub, for laughter—or, better expressed, disbelief that anyone could take this seriously—is what they count on."
"In its earliest incarnations, the PC code was considered so risible that it was even mocked by the libertarian Left, in the form of Bill Maher’s television show, Politically Incorrect"
"The work of the Frankfurt scholars—among them, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, and Wilhelm Reich—was grounded in an ideology that demanded .., for philosophical reasons, an unremitting assault on Western values and institutions"
"It was the Berlin-born Marcuse—who taught at Columbia, Harvard, Brandeis, and the University of California, San Diego—whose political influence was, on balance, the greatest of them all"
"Marcuse came up with the particularly nasty concept of “repressive tolerance,” a notion that has guided the Unholy Left since the publication of his essay by the same name in 1965 in A Critique of Pure Tolerance"
""They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements . . . . Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left"" - Marcuse.
"In the half-century since Marcuse’s essay, “tolerance” has taken on the status of a virtue—albeit a bogus one—a protective coloration for the Left when it is weak and something to be dispensed with once it is no longer required."
"Saul Alinsky precisely articulated this as Rule No. 1 in his famous Rules for Radicals: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this,"
"But that is precisely the point of Critical Theory. There is no need to consider the sum total of the artist’s life & works; instead, all that is necessary is to find a single politically incorrect remark, attitude, or letter with which to discredit him, & the task is complete."
"The totalitarian Left cannot brook the slightest deviation from its self-proclaimed norms. As with satanic darkness, there cannot be a single point of light to disturb the suffocating blanket of orthodoxy, lest someone somewhere see the light." 
Doris Lessing:
"the phrase “political correctness” was born as Communism was collapsing. ...
... I am sure that millions of people, the rug of Communism pulled out from under them, are searching frantically, and perhaps not even knowing it, for another dogma."
"Once safely in the United States, the Frankfurt School sappers had one philosophical objective: to remove the moral high ground of the American Way and replace it with self-doubt."
"Having lost Germany to an equally murderous leftist ideology, Nazism, the Communists of the Frankfurt School were perfectly content to sit out the war for ideas in the safety of Morningside Heights."
"the Marxists of the Frankfurt School realized they could not storm and conquer the West from the outside, either militarily or economically. Rather, the hollowing-out had to begin from within and do its work over the course of decades. The slowly boiling frog comes to mind."
"The loss of cultural confidence was precisely what the Frankfurt School and its descendants sought and still seek to engender. It is their only path to victory...
Pleas for “tolerance,” a weakness masquerading as a virtue, still serve them well."
"But the moral high ground is not yet theirs, as much as they would wish it so. Constantly forced into a strategy of subterfuge, dissimulation, misdirection, and open deception.. there is no lie the Left will not tell in the furtherance of its sociopolitical goals"
"No issue motivates them more than the demographic self-destruction known as abortion; as has often been noted, “a woman’s right to choose” (their favored euphemism) is for them a secular sacrament... "
"The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West"
"It is not enough, in the leftist scheme of things, to be able to have as much sex as one wants; no, it must be consequence-free sex. The wages of libertinism might be death, but death only for the unwanted by-product
of libertinism itself." 
"The Democrats, now almost explicitly the “anti-American” party (meaning “American” as the term was formerly understood), need to keep immigrants balkanized, dependent, and voting the straight Democratic ticket for as long as possible"
"As conservatives know only too well, most arguments with true believers of the Left end in insults, comparisons to Nazis, tears, and the leftists’ hasty retreat
But, as leftists see it, they live to fight, and soul-sap, another day,to engage would be to give the whole game away"
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