Let's talk about making money through untraditional means: a #THREAD. We know that traditionally, people bought gold, shares, bonds and property (listed and unlisted).
You have an option to invest in other people's businesses. People need money to make their business go to the next level - buy more products, scale it, etc.
Have the right paperwork in place when you do this!
Cover your back!
You can also start a service based business where you do things for people for money. For example, reporting, websites, massages or delivering packages (no drug mules please). services tend to be costly when it comes to time, but not for overheads (stuff you need to do the work)
You can resell products. There are many LEGIT businesses, including reselling nail and hair products, magwinya or reselling software.
If you have something people want, then you can resell it - if you have the skill and want to explore the sales business ;)
I don't personally like multi level marketing companies, but it's a legal business and can generate cash. Joining an MLM (like Herbalife or Amway) and sell their products.
You can also
Be careful how you sell them - it might cost you friendships!
There are many opportunities online for business:
Think ebooks.
Think to blog.
Think video courses.
Think of coaching.
Think affiliate marketing - you get a commission to sell other people's products.
If you're technically inclined, you can build software as a service solution (like me!). You get money monthly for people using your service.
Connecting buyers and sellers. The best example here is property, but it's not limited to this.
You find a property for sale, you find a seller.
Connect the two, cash it in.

I know someone who did this with samoosas - and they made loads of money!
I don't like the idea of trading crypto or forex. These are not viable small businesses, as they will take you many many years to actually show a profit.
Don't do it!
Unless you're willing to dedicate 10+years of your life to it and have enough cash to burn.
People don't give away money for free, but if they find something they value, they might throw lots of money at it.
Think cars (wtf).
Think magwinya fried in olive oil.
Think coffee.
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