What do these families have in common? What aspects of their conduct resemble Crime Family structure?
Thomas D´Alesandro Jr.

Anytime you see a family name (D'alesandro), the mafia and JFK also appear.
Notice the 1961?

Kind of interesting that this FBI report linking to JFK and Pelosi drops on Jan 6, 2021.

Younger Pelosi pic w/ JFK (she was 21 or so) is from about that time.
Family secrets will see the light of day. Looks like the famous lawyer routine worked back then, too.

The FBI vault declassified Pelosi info on Jan. 6th, 2021. Why did it take us 3 days to see it? What else was going on the 6th? What happened to Nancy's laptop? Special Forces?
They rigged the elections back in 1947. Old habits...
The Klan wanted to kill him. Loose ends?
They redacted Nancy from his family. Why?
[note: #2. Wife also named, Annunciata aka ¨Nancy¨]
Looks like her brothers probably a pedo
More info on Nancy's brother
Her brother was charged with committing perjury on Nov. 4
When there are a shitload of names in all capital letters you know his acquaintances all have FBI files.
Political favors offered immunity
More redacted excerpts of Nancy's brothers case
I [anon] wonder if he got shot. Why else would a doctor request to speak to the FBI in regards to a medical condition?
Why would the evidenced used to cite acquittal be redacted?
FBI Director - "Hol up." Corruption.
I [anon] guess the mob members he cleared of charges in exchange for money also weren't guilty.

This is just one guys wrapsheet btw:
I [anon] have no idea why they tucked some KKK information in at the very end. It´s def weird. Especially how casually they use Klang - which is apparently Klan Slang. FBI in-cahoots?
For the sake of context, enter Joe Biden:
{Remember, he signed the Crime Bill leading to a disproportionate number of Black sentencing, and subsequent profiteering by the Elite [Joe et al.] who signed it into Law...]
Watch the McInerney video.
He explains it ALL and he's very trustworthy.
What´s on Nancy Pelosiś laptop?
Why are ALL conservatives being censored?
Why do they REALLY want to impeach Trump w/ only 10 days left?
Hamm3r & Sc0rec4rd?
Maybe to prevent DECLAS?
Back to the Brown > Pelosi > Newsom > Getty connection:
All in the family.
You think DJT Jr., knew?/ KEKd
Always wondered how KimBurley ended up with the Gavin
A Billionaire´s son dies sitting crossed-legged w/ his eye and mouth open and no foul play was suspected? Right...
The late John Gilbert Getty w/ Gavin Asshoe Newsom
¨A picture says a thousand words...¨
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