As a child of immigrants, my parents left a homeland in turmoil for America's exceptionalism.
As a journalist, I spent decades covering wars & violent political upheavals in the Middle East.
America's democracy still stands taller than any of those countries I've covered
2/ In the aftermath of the President instigating vigilantes to takeover Capitol Hill these things did not happen:
Political opponents were not arrested.
Journalist were not jailed.
Newspapers were not shut down.
Tech companies were not ordered to keep Trump's platform alive.
3/ In the aftermath this did happened:
Congress met to certify the President's opponent.
Media is keeping Trump & enablers fully accountable.
The opposition party is planning an impeachment.
Cabinet members & staff resigned without fear.
4/ Law enforcement is arresting & charging violators without political considerations.
Private companies have suspended the President based on their own guidelines not government dictated mandates.
We are all opining.
5/ So it's still not Iran, not Syria, not Libya, not China, not Russia. It's America.🇺🇸
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