Since there's more talk about "cancel culture" & "second chances," some thoughts:

1. Cancel culture is not real unless you're talking about marginalized people who were shut out of things bc of their identity.
2. Abusers are not owed access to communities they've harmed.
3. Second chances happen AFTER you show you've learned and grown. Not before; not concurrently. Show consistent changed behavior; earn a second chance...maybe.
4. The people who decide if someone has earned a second chance are the people who have been harmed, not others.
5. If someone is not sorry about their behavior and continues it, they need to leave or be forced out of the community for the safety of the community. And EVERYONE within the community should support that course of action.
6. Seeing people say that one person has harmed them and denying it by pointing to years of no people coming forward is naive and dismissive. Of course abusers won't abuse EVERYONE they meet. And sometimes it takes the first person coming forward before many will.
A lack of previous reports NEVER means that a person wasn't abusive before. It may mean people weren't ready to come forward, didn't think they would be believed, etc. Likely, this person has abused before but got away with it.
7. If this is the first, it doesn't make it fake.
8. People talking openly about abuse and others supporting them as they do it is NOT "cancel culture" or "drama." It is a community valuing the safety of all its members. People should be ENCOURAGED to speak out to ensure the safety of the community, always.
Otherwise, what the hell are you doing being in community with anyone, any way? If you can't actively participate in ensuring the safety of a community you are in, you don't deserve access to it and should show yourself out, because you are now part of the problem.
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