To be clear: Trump/allies spent months lying to supporters w false claims about the election being stolen. Then he summoned his most extreme supporters to D.C. on Jan 6th. Then he lied to those people and told them Pence/R's in Congress can unilaterally make him the winner. 1/2
Then Trump told that angry mob to be "strong," told them they can't allow the "steal" and directed them to go to the Capitol. He created that situation, and then made it worse.

And as it blew up, he just repeated the same lies that caused the mob.

Those are the facts.
We can argue about policies, speech, double standards etc., but what happened on Wednesday was one of the most shameful events in recent American history and Donald Trump's complicity in it is not up for debate.
And he's a freaking politician who would throw you and your family under the bus in a second. You don't owe him anything so defending him after that and ignoring the damage he has done to our country is completely backwards and illogical.
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