It doesn't surprise me that some ppl are hyper focused on "converting" Western chauvinists. These same ppl share articles every Thanksgiving about addressing tough topics w/ their racist uncle. Oh, golly, they’re gonna let ‘em have it if he says anything this year! (1/10)
After the holidays, those folks are mum a/t office. Bc they sat there & said N O T H I N G. Or a different terrible - they treated the dinner table like they were riding into battle. “I tried!” They say. “Then he started on crime statistics so I told him to fuck himself!” (2/10)
Make no mistake, when they say, “We HAVE to talk to these people w/ love & understanding. Hearts & minds!” They’re not talking about themselves. They’ve “tried.” They’ll even tell you how hard they’ve tried. They’re tapped out! (“Ally fatigue,” amirite?) (3/10)
They’re talking about POC, asking us to learn to coo to their racist uncle. Be a little more “respectable,” talk to ‘em “nice.” To make their “efforts” easier. They want us to understand why their uncle feels the way he does. Have a heart. Have some empathy. (4/10)
But really, it’s them who need to cultivate patience, & dedicate themselves to undoing WS in their families. After all, they know it best - they grew up steeped in whatever flavor. You can’t do that w/ a conversation per calendar year! It requires an emotional investment. (5/10)
So my ? to these folks is - if you’re not willing to invest in helping your racist uncle, why do you want me to do it? What makes me better suited, when we agree I’d have to change my approach, tone, etc. to get him to understand? Do you find me incapable of fatigue? (6/10)
I don’t think anyone is a “lost cause,” rather that we must organize in ways that are sustainable. It’s hard to accept, but perhaps…you wrote your racist uncle off years ago? Bc the work was hard? (7/10)
Look - this work is yours. If you don’t wanna do it, you need to process that choice, move on. And trying to pass it off to POC is wrong. The fact you think you can even assign us work - that’s ur own white supremacy speaking out from the grave you think you laid it in. (8/10)
Really, there’s one question that folks who want to “convert” the “working class” need to ask & that’s “how?” There are orgs HELMED BY former white supremacists/Western chauvinists that have answered that question ad nauseam. (9/10)
If we’re not going to listen to them, why are we talking out of our asses about an issue that has a blueprint? There is a solution that doesn’t involve arguing. Go…do that. You don’t need us all onboard to do outreach to Proud Boys. Just…be free. I give you my blessing. (10/10)
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