I am speechless about the events of this past week. From the lows of needing to start hospice due to my rapidly growing #Gbm #cancer ,to getting a call from @UCLAHealth saying they can get me into a clinical trial to hopefully shut down the tumor. The trial includes
Having surgery in California, where they will salvage tissue from the tumor and use it to create a personalized dendritic cell vaccine for me. This vaccine will then be given back to me in the form of shots over the course of six weeks. Hopefully the vaccine will produce An
Immune response where my good cells learn to attack & kill the cancer cells in my brain. I’ve learned of previous studies that show a very positive outcome for a decent % of participants. Along with the vaccine, I will also receive a 30 min. injection every third week of either
The investigational drug pembrolizumab, or a placebo. While hopeful to get the Pembro, getting the DC vaccine is what I am after, and it is guaranteed. There are 9 others in the trial, so I have a 50/50 chance of receiving the trial drug.
That all leads up to the incredible events of this morning. I was standing in the dining room when my brother in law, opened the door to let someone in. A few seconds later I turned around to the sight of my Favorite @MLB and @Cubs player, @ihapp_1 . To say I was shocked...
Is an inderstament! This was all setup by my former asst. @MikeBrownTurf, who is now the new Supt. of PrairieView Golf Club. Thank you so much Mike! You truly hit a Homerun👊🏻😇. @ihapp_1, I remember reading news of your dad’s passing due to #Glioblastoma and how he was able...
To Watch you take live BP at Wrigley before passing away. My son, @HenkelAshton , and I have traveled to spring training for several years and he was fortunate enough to be picked to be batboy, where he collected your bat after a towering homerun that day. Thank you Ian for
Taking the time to visit me and meeting my family. Ashton looks up to you, and you are a damn good role Model! I also want to thank @JLester34 for the signed cleats! From one cancer survivor to another, thank you brother.👊🏻 @ihapp_1 My goal is to make it through this trial and...
and be back home to root you on as you lead the @Cubs in 2021. To all my turf friends, you don’t need to be @Cubs fan to want to root for @ihapp_1 . What his father did for our industry was very noteworthy. Give Ian a follow and you will be helping to carryon Keith’s Legacy.
I love all and I will update often on my surgery and how the trial is going. For now, I’ll leave you with my favorite short poem...
Here we go! Love you all!!!👊🏻👊🏻👍🏻😇 I’ll be back! Pun intended haha
You can follow @mph_turf79.
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