Wednesday's events are a reminder never to draw conclusions of a complex situation with limited information and limited videos. The "police let them in" story may have happened, in part, at the barricades. But the videos we're seeing now and officer's first-hand accounts?
They paint a very diff picture. I've been seeing videos all day of police getting in fist-fights with rioters outside the Cap and much more serious violence inside the Cap. The first-hand acct of the Black officer who said the photos of ppl looking like they were at a museum? 2/
That happened two hours into the insurrection and they'd been fighting hard for two hours.
Importantly, one Black officer says they were outnumbered 10-1.
None of this explains the understaffing in the first place or the failure to have a plan or the obvious different treatment 3
of White rioters and BLM protesters, but the on-the-ground police (with obvious exceptions of sympathetic White Trash Officers) were fricken dueling it out for hours before backup arrived. Even with reinforcements, the MPD - for example - got battered by the insurrectioners 4
as indicated in that horrible video of the officers getting sprayed with something, having their masks violently pulled off by the mob, and then the one getting crushed in the melee. The journo-photog who took that video said that too was 2 hours into a brutal attack on cops
I didn't understand the shooting of that woman AT all, although trusted the experts who said it was a good shooting. The WaPo video tells a completely diff story - one where Senators were on the other side of that glass, three men were trying to buy time for them, & the rioters
saw a gun and warned their fellow-rioters at least 3 times that the officer had a gun. Completely different scenario than a woman climing through a broken glassed-window and just getting shot because she trespassed.
None of these new videos explains the cozy relationship of some officers during the riot nor the blithe (and racist) attitude of CH police management who put their Black officers into the middle of a White Supremacist insurrection. We'll learn more about that. But every scene
today is similar to that Black officer, running up the stairs while fighting off an enormous number of insurrectionists. That brave man's battle was heroic, & there seem to be many, many moments of heroism (B&W). Which is what each Congress member has said in every interview.
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