They frantically tried to lock doors. It came down to a minute or two. The Vice President had to be evacuated.

This is perhaps why French intelligence services seem to think this was a barely-failed coup.
Perhaps people can understand why the co-conspirators in this treason invented Antifa - otherwise a loose collective with no organizational capabilities - as a bogeyman: Trump was planning on blaming the coup on them.
Don't forget the timing earlier this year. Joe Biden formally secured the Democratic nomination June 5. The GOP knew Biden would beat Trump.

Bill Barr ramped up the militarized response to "Antifa" the exact same time.
The conspirators know they will die in prison for the crimes they've already committed - many of them crimes against humanity, leading to The Hague.

So January 6, they stitched together their last-ditch plan: a violent coup.
They invented a fake threat: Antifa.

They threw doubt on the election through lawsuits.

They gathered a crowd of rioters to hide those with even worse intentions. They lowered our defenses, and then struck out to kill the line of presidential succession and blame it on Antifa.
They left a trail of evidence wider than the Grand Canyon - because they never intended Biden to be president, and thus would never have a Department of Justice to contend with ever again.

And they were willing to kill to do it.
Hell, they don't mind if you and your loved ones die of COVID. By the hundreds of thousands. Millions are fine with them too. You watched them do it.

They'd certainly kill to save themselves from prison. They're psychopaths.

Now you know. Impeach. Prosecute. 🇺🇸
ADDENDUM: Check out the first-person descriptions of paramilitary operators with training, comms, explosives.

Not a protest, of course. Not a riot, either. This is a coup.

(h/t @DanielLeeStahl)
ADDENDUM: In retrospect, this was a decoy in multiple ways.
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