I really shouldn't be at this point in history but even I was surprised at the criticism I've seen of the State Departments announcement on Taiwan. So let's unpack it a little. Let's start with a simple question: is it good policy and advance objectives? I don't think there 1/n
is any objective doubt it is both good policy and advances key diplomatic, security, and economic objectives. Taiwan has wanted to upgrade its relationship with the US for a long time. The US has held back only out of concern for hurting Chinese people's feelings. 2/n
Given the ongoing security escalation of the PLA and other Chinese institutions, it provides good additional avenues to meet with US and Taiwanese officials. It demonstrates US commitment to the region and a key ally. I really can't think of any good reason this is bad 3/n
Policy for the US or Taiwan. Let me emphasize this does not mean without risks or other caveats but this is objectively good policy and definitely not bad policy. Second, pretty much the entirety of criticism I've seen can be summed up as "stupid Trump. Stupid Pompeo." 4/n
Let's assume they are both scum of the earth. They are doing this wanting a board seat on TSMC. It's still good policy. The Tsai administration is very happy. Taiwan has been pushing for this type of relationship upgrade for a long long time. Even if Pompeo and Trump are 5/n
Doing this for all the wrong reasons, that doesn't make the policy any worse and it is strongly supported by Taiwan as a long term objective. Third, how would this have looked if the other side (the incoming Biden administration) did the EXACT same thing February 1? 6/n
It would unquestionably be met with adulation that this shows Biden is committed to allies, is the real hawk on China, and diplomatically working to extend American influence. We need to always consider the optics of a move if the other guy did it. In this case, 7/n
It would overwhelmingly be welcomed as a positive step. If a policy move performed by the other guy would be welcomed as positive, then even if we someone we don't like does the act, we should still welcome the policy shift. What amazes me is that some of the most strident 8/n
pro-Taiwanese voices are criticizing this. How is this bad for Taiwan? You think daily PLA sightseeing flights are positive? You think the US not taking Taiwan seriously is good? How is this a bad thing for Taiwan. If you care about Taiwan, you should want the US 9/n
Very committed to Taipei so there isn't a signaling problem letting Beijing think the US isn't committed. Get over your partisan hatred. This is everything you say Biden policy will be. Let's chalk this up as a win. Get ready to push for more with the 1600 occupant. Done.
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