In the years after 9/11, every time there was a terrorist attack the media would ask ‘Where were they radicalized?’

Why is that question no longer asked? Fox News, OANN, right wing talk radio, Parler. That’s where today’s white supremacist terrorist is being radicalized.
The biggest national security threat facing our country today comes not from foreign-born assailants but from American-born white men. Yet police and press struggle to even call this threat what it is and call out the platforms radicalizing them.
If we are ever going to “unify” this country we need to be honest about what’s tearing it apart. An entire political party has been rotted to its core by nutjob conspiracy theories instigated by its propaganda outlets and bad faith elected officials.
There is only one political party in America today that is still driven by facts. Yes, of course Democrats have an ideological perspective. But it’s fact-based.

A two-party political system simply cannot survive when one of the two parties has moved away from fact-based reality.
The Republican Party instigated the coup attempt that happened Wednesday. These people don’t need to be understood. They don’t need to be sympathized with. They need to be condemned. They need to be held accountable.

That’s the only way to fix this mess.
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