stolen from the tl! one like = one unpopular opinion
Nico Di Angelo is overrated
Lucien was actually a really good character until SJM ruined him. After ACOTAR he was just Tamlin’s sidekick
Taryn Duarte was just doing what she had to do to survive. I’m not justifying her actions, but I feel like she gets so much hate compared to other characters in different books who have done worse.
Dramione is such a bad I don’t understand how some of y’all want them to be together
Yes the seven would have never been able to defeat gaea without him, but Leo Valdez is SO annoying omfg
Don’t attack someone for constantly talking about a character they claim they don’t like. It’s their acc so they can post whatever they want.
okay I don’t know if this is that unpopular but stop pretending that you didn’t know that juneday wasn’t a wlw ship.
stop going private/deactivating your accounts when you get called out for doing something bad. it makes u look worse
Rick Riordan is not the king of representation. Some of y’all need to stop acting like he is lol
Love triangles are not horrible they just have to be done properly
If Kaz was ugly everyone would hate him
not all of book tok is bad 🤭
The Selection had so much potential! and Kierra Cass just wasted all of it
half of the morally grey characters y’all love aren’t even morally grey 😭😭
soc isnt found family trope. sometimes it felt like they all didn’t even like each other LMAO
Id rather read a book with good characters/ships with a bad plot than a book with bad characters/ships with a good plot
I actually enjoy instalove sometimes! you guys just hate on it because you don’t want to go out of ur comfort zones and read things other than enemies to lovers or slowburns 🤷🏾‍♀️
I feel like most of y’all would enjoy NA books but ur just too scared because the covers are kind of weird sometimes
stop giving some authors credit for having “diversity” when in reality there isn’t any
do not let anyone bully you into thinking that if you haven’t read a classic then ur not a “real reader” because classics are boring asf!
Feyre archeron is overhated. Literally all ur favs from ACOTAR would be dead if wasn’t for her.
most of the books that are popular on book twt aren’t popular irl. meaning that if I were to ask someone who doesn’t like reading what thg is they would obviously know it but if I were to ask that same person what legend is they wouldn’t be able to tell me.
some book to film adaptations are better than the books....if u want examples lemme know
I genuinely can’t tell the difference between rivals to lovers and enemies to lovers. All I know is that in both tropes they don’t like each other in the beginning. That’s it lmao
Not all villains need a redemption arc!! every once in a while it would be nice to have an evil character stay evil
as much as I love Peeta, I think Katniss should’ve ended up by herself. I feel like she just needed time to heal. I’d like to think that if Katniss did end up by herself, her and Peeta would’ve eventually found their way to each other again.
so much drama here could be avoided if ppl decided to just handle things in dms privately 🤷🏾‍♀️
hating Draco isn’t an unpopular opinion anymore
yes divergent wasn’t as good as thg but don’t pretend that it was HORRIBLE. ik some of y’all was crying because of that book back in 2014 ✋🏾
there is no reason a book should be over 500 pages
if u make a tweet complaining abt private quotes ppl will 1000% private quote u! I’m not saying that they’re in the right for doing that but if the private quotes give u anxiety maybe put in ur carrd/pinned/bio so ppl won’t do it on purpose. idk if I worded this right but yeah
I Iove dog earing my books
I hate when authors do books in multiple character povs because there is always gonna be that one persons pov that is boring and u can’t skip it cause you’ll miss important info
okay but some of the “bad bitch”characters y’all stan aren’t even bad bitches. their just unnecessarily mean to everyone and somehow that makes ppl stan them
some of y’all be like “omg I’m never gonna read a book by blah blah blah” and that’s totally fine but when you repeat it over and over again that’s when it gets annoying. like bitch we get it move on pls
this isn’t even unpopular but I’m gonna say it anyway. Percy Jackson is the best protagonist of all time idc if u disagree sorry
just because a character is soft doesn’t mean they’re boring (unless we’re talking abt Elain Archeron that’s a whole other conversation)
y’all will put “ia” in ur dn but take over my entire tl LMAOOOSJAJKA
Stop hating on characters for reacting the way any normal person would
books with no romance in them are boring
sometimes y’all act like Kaz and Inej were the only characters in soc 🏃‍♀️
Maxon from the selection has a personality
TOG was dragged out
Alex from rwarb was hella annoying in the beginning. I couldn’t stand him
speaking of rwarb , idk if this is an unpopular opinion but Henry > Alex
John green books used to hit different when I was younger idc
I don’t like rainbow bookshelves
annotating ur books with sticky notes is messy. idk I just could never do it
I think it’s better to read a book from an epub first and then if u like it u should buy it. cause if u buy a book and u don’t like it and decide not to finish it, it’s just sitting on ur shelf and it was a waste of money
okay I’m done now. I only did 49 opinions even though my post got 54 likes....oh well 😉
ew that winking emoji is gross remind me never to use it again
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