Like literally right now, go borrow it from your library’s ebook catalog or even buy it from Daddy Bezos I don’t care
This is a subtweet at Moggie Hoberman and anyone else who is full grown and educated and yet still shocked at the class dynamics of this shit
But also at you if you haven’t read it, what are you doing, do you need me to read it to you? Call me and I’ll do it
This is only halfway a serious suggestion, I know it’s hard to get through books if you’re not a big reader, the ebook is great, I listened to the Oxford edition of this one while I sewed masks back in the spring (wasn’t my first read of the book but maybe the most timely reread)
But if you need someone to just read you a few passages, I literally will, but you should really get the whole thing. Also it is def not a new book but DuBois was literally maybe the best history/academic writer of all time; the words sing. Even now.
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