Hierarchy is a good thing. It comes from hieros (holy) and archē (rule).

What we have now is not hierarchy by tyranny, from tyrannos (despot).

A thread.
St. Dionysius coined the word to describe the divine order. The divine order starts with God, goes down through the angels, and then the different ranks of the Church.
Although the word originally meant the divine order, it can also refer to the temporal order. Our nature is inherently hierarchical because we are part of the great chain of being.
In a truly just society, this natural end ought to be ordered to man’s supernatural end. However, even a non-Christian society will still have a natural heirarchy if it is just by natural law.
Jesus explains the purpose of heirarchy in Matt 20:25-28. Hierarchy is about service. The higher levels exist to serve the lower ones and the lower ones in return owe obedience and honor.
On the other hand, what we have now is not the divine hierarchy, but the demonic order of despotism in which we do not share to different degree in God’s being, but are ruled over as slaves. It is the type of monarchy Jesus says the Gentiles practice.
The demons do so in the name of freedom though. They offer freedom from heirarchy, but in doing so they only wish to make people slaves. Satan does not have being in himself, and so he cannot grant it to others. His way only leads to death.
The greatest political satanist is Thomas Hobbes. He envisions an absolute state, a Leviathan, that will exist to protect individual rights because without the state, man would be in a constant state of war. This is where we are heading now. Totalitarianism in the name of freedom
The fundemental error of Hobbes is the confusion of nature. Hobbes takes fallen nature to be nature. He is also a nominalist, so he denies that man has a natural end. It would not be until the existentialists that this idea was taken to its natural conclusion so I’ll look at them
Nietzsche confuses the two wills in man. Man in classical philosophy has a natural and a deliberative will. Man’s deliberative will ought to be ordered to his natural will as this is what it means to be good (willing in accord with nature).
According to Nietzsche however, we ought to will simply in accord with what we want. The deliberative will comes first. Nietzsche takes our fallen passions to be the natural will because he denies original sin.
Heidegger takes it a step further and reintroduces the concept of phusis (nature, but with any concepts of scholasticism stripped away by returning to the Greek) and says that it is man’s nature to war against nature itself.
Sarte goes even further and argues that to exist precedes any essence in man. Man is free to make whatever he will of his existence.
The problem with this whole view is that the only logical political conclusion of all of this is Hobbes’ tyranny. Classial metaphysics is the only way to retain any liberty.
True liberty is to will in accord with nature. This means that each person has a station in life in which it is their role to accomplish this task in accord with nature, not someone else’s. This is the principle of subsidiarity.
If fallen nature is understood though as nature itself, you will need tyranny to preserve “liberty”. Of course, the leaders of the Leviathan will really have no use for the liberty of those below because it is of no benefit for them to achieve their desires.
This is where we are now. We are becoming slaves to the satanic Leviathan in the name of freedom. Calls for libertarianism will never be a proper response. The only response to tyranny is hierarchy.
Sorry the pictures drop out half way through. I got lazy.
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