OK I'm going to open up about something. Right now, I'm supporting multiple households on multiple continents of political refugees, underground LGBTQ Christians in countries where they're constantly endangered, and pastors whose churches are starving because of the pandemic.
I have some savings but this is driving me into the ground. So I'm asking for someone to actually see this and help me help other people, despite all the times posts like this have failed.
AND DO NOT TELL TO JUST MAKE A GOFUNDME BECAUSE THEY HAVEN'T WORKED IN THE PAST BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE CHARISMA TO MAKE PEOPLE OPEN THEIR WALLETS. But maybe someone else does who is willing to have mercy and help me shoulder this burden.
I literally tried emailing every new Reconciling Ministries Network member congregation for three months to try to connect them to LGBTQ Christians in Africa and I got only three responses that all said sorry we're not interested.
I sent an email to a pastor in Germany and I wrote at the end of it that even though I knew she probably wouldn't read the email, I was going to send it anyway in case of the body of Christ actually exists. So that's why I'm posting this: in case the body of Christ exists.
I know how this works. As long as you just like the post and move on without inquiring to find out about valid economic needs that specific marginalized people across the world have, then the moral responsibility won't grab hold of you.
That's why if I were you, I would only like the post and write "praying :-)." But maybe one of you is a better human than I am. And maybe the body of Christ actually exists.
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