half of me is happy about parlor being banned from like everything but the other half is very concerned about the monopoly power apple/google has over software distribution on its devices
also while it’s not exactly popular in this section of twitter i definitely sympathize with a lot of the arguments about free speech on social media platforms, like saying they are a private company is a dumb argument we control what companies can and cannot do all the time lol
although 90% of calls of censorship are dumb as shit lol
but like there’s an underlying point. if you get banned for your speech on the few big social platforms you are effectively removed from speaking in the public sphere online. there isn’t a “towns square” equivalent online that is public/is subject to the 1st amendment
and the internet is the most important and influential communication tools we have, it’s not really the same as being kicked out of a bar for your speech, it’s more like being kicked out of the whole town for it because the entire township is a privately owned entity.
like yeah, you can go on i another town square or make your own little town to say whatever you want but fundamentally that’s a dumb argument and the private entity argument makes a lot more sense in a society with large amounts of publicly owned spaces protected by the 1st
on the other hand the amount of influence to spread stuff online is hugely asymmetric and doesn’t really map onto the same as yelling nonsense in a towns square, and can be very dangerous. there’s prolly a line here but idk what it is
oh also this isn’t me going against trump being banned lol it’s just topical discourse. and obviously social networks don’t work without some TOS
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