I want to take a moment to talk about this "Whiteness" thing.

They talk about it as though it's some sort of non-essential property. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1348066295066062856
Even if we entertain the notion that race is socially constructed, can you name any group who would be comfortable inducting "ex whites" into their ranks?
Do you think blacks would welcome "ex whites" into the fold? Hispanics? Asians? Jews?

I can't see any evidence that such a will exists.
The conspicuous absence of anywhere for people who reject their "whiteness" to go is, in itself, highly suggestive.
Even someone like myself, who frankly has little interest in racial solidarity, is forced to confront the inescapable conclusion that the idea of "whiteness" is a soft framing of "You have no place in society".
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