In my research for Saving History, I followed white Christian nationalists around D.C., including taking the U.S. Capitol tour eleven. times.

This scenario is what they dreamed of.
They "joked" about what a shame it was to leave their concealed carry weapons on the bus.

They "joked" about breaking into the Speaker's office (then a Republican, fwiw).

They planned to take up the mantle of American soldiers who fought for God & country abroad here at home.
I talk in the book about how they see themselves as saviors who will literally die in defense of a white Christian nation.

That's what we saw on Wednesday. We'll see it again in the so-called memorials planned for Jan 17th.
This is bigger than Tr*mp. This is a crusade that started with the Christian Right in the 1980s that is bearing fruit. And we should remember that white Christian nationalists are never more dangerous than when they're feeling like outsiders, like persecuted victims.
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