This is the truth. Even AFTER the siege on our Capitol he STILL tried to overturn electoral votes. Jim, for 4 years, has spewed inflammatory language at Dems/libs. He has demonized all who aren't Republicans. He spreads lies & conspiracy theories w/impunity.
He gaslights and lies with a frequency that has become his political currency. Our local media, in most cases, give him the platform for it - unchecked - like they actually work for him. His language, for 4 yrs, has been filled with division & demonization.
A day or 2 prior to the insurrection & sedition, Jimmy shared the lie that Josh Hawley said regarding "antifa's" "attack" on his family & house. This lie by Josh was rapidly debunked by a live video stream AND the police who were there.
Jim Banks continued to share it, even though it had been proven false.
If you're familiar with Jim Banks, you'll know that he knew (like the rest of us did) that violence was coming on January 6th & this was Jimbo setting up the narrative to blame antifa instead of the trump cult.
I have watched Jim defy his oath of office to the Constitution, as well as the same oath he had to take when he enlisted in the Navy Reserves, far too many times to count. He let his constituents believe there was voter fraud and fraudulent results.
He refused, for 2 months, to even acknowledge Joe Biden won the election! That is not respecting or honoring the peaceful transfer of power! That is being party to exactly what led us to Jan 6th. He was a part of sedition! He was part of everything that
lead to the insurrection against the government of the United States. For him to have lived through the attack on our Capitol and STILL go through with his seditious attempt is contemptible and should be punishable. At least Mike Braun had the sense to change
Jim Banks should be forced to resign. He is not fit to call himself a leader of #IN03. His fealty is to Donald Trump. THAT is not the oath he took, but that is what he lives in word and deed. Even now, he has not and will not, denounce the actions of trump
that lead to the insurrection. He will not speak the truth. If there is a vote to Impeach, Jim will vote no. Unless, by some act of God, his puppet masters tell him to. That's who Jim is. He is only interested in serving Dear Leader and he does so with glee.
Jim thinks because he won 2/3rds of the vote in his district that efforts to get him to resign are laughable. He, apparently, believes he can do whatever he wants, without accountability or repercussions because of the vote size in his last election.
I've got news for you @RepJimBanks you are not above the law and the voters of this district did not give you a free pass for sedition, nor complicity in an insurrection against our democracy, with their vote. You ARE accountable for your actions!
You would know that if you could be bothered to have a completely open town hall. Not at 9am on a week day, where you announce it at the last minute. You are a coward of epic proportions. You are incapable of admitting when you are wrong.
Although, I suspect if our calls for you to resign become more vocal, that may change in an attempt at self preservation. But I doubt it. Like your leader and hero trump, you have no shame. You are a lying politician, in full pursuit of power at any cost.
@kfrancisco speaks truth about you in an editorial, now you come after her with more partisan rhetoric and creepy stalking of her history. You are a bully who cannot handle the truth. You will try to get her fired because you abuse your power & feel entitled.
Jim sees the people of #IN03 as simply his stepping stone to higher office or future fame on Fox. He has voted against helping the sick, unemployed, struggling, starving, dying ppl of his district at every turn.
Jim has based his career the past 4 yrs on divisive, childish, accusatory rhetoric. How many times have we heard him say "radical Democrats" or radical socialist dems, or other language meant to invoke fear and demonize anyone who isn't Republican?
He's great at spin, diversion and gaslighting. I'll give him that. He has fomented the hate & demonization of the left. He has fully participated in it and stirred everything we are witnessing in this country right now. This was always going to be the logical
conclusion of everything Jim Banks, trump and far too many on the right have planted, encouraged and been the architect of. Now, you own this. You are part of the sedition caucus. You should not only resign, you should be stripped of your Navy standing.
You tried to get millions of lawfully certified votes thrown out in an effort to install trump as potus. That is not democracy! As your constituent, I demand your resignation. May the shame of your anti-American actions follow you the rest of your days.
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