Catching up on the day's racing comments (despite my best judgment I'm sure)...
If "decent guy who gets along w/most people" really means "guy blindly tolerated as a racetrack 'character' for way too long", I agree đź’Ż
Also, lots of praise being given to some of racing's gate keepers, who only took action when it was most convenient for them. No new lines were crossed, the opportunity just got easier. Not good enough imo.
I don't know what to think of the JC decision, bc context is hard to gauge in a registration submission. Obvs TJC had no way of knowing a horse name would be used to taunt someone on SM.
Mostly, I think the owner that claimed the horse is going above & beyond, and I wish him only the best with this horse going forward. The sport needs more owners like this.
That being said, people (i.e. owners) have employed this guy. Racetracks have entertained this guy for years to meet their own ends. There are 1000s of trainers out there that can do just as well with his horses - or better.
The onus ultimately comes down to those two entities. Owners need to take personal responsibility for their business decisions and understand that trainers are the face of their racing "brand".
And right now, racetracks are another of the few entities in the sport that can use at least some discretion regarding who is allowed to participate.
As someone who has worked in many facets of the racing industry - tracks, regulatory bodies, media, and now a breed registry (not TJC fwiw) - everyone always wants regulators and breed registries to clean everything up but it's never that simple.
I'm always glad to see *something* done, but we've let too many players in the racing industry off for way too long. We all have to be accountable, and from the ground up. I don't have all the answers but I know that everything that's gone on lately isn't nearly enough.
To end my rant, here's a puppy picture so I can end today on a high note.
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