The Salmond court case has revealed those who who either had no integrity, or who will toss their integrity aside in a heartbeat.

It's revealed those who will accept the verdict of a jury and those who won't

It's revealed the blind-faith teeny bopper fans and rational adults
It's revealed that Scotland is no quite the mature society that many love tae tell us we are
It's revealed the awful dishonesty, and the grifters.

But there is something worse. Something really troubling about the character of many many Yessers both in and out of the SNP
It has shown us there are plenty folk in the Yes movement more than happy to see a man tossed in jail, probably for the rest of his life, for a crime he didn't commit, jist so they can get what they want.

How many of them wid serve time to get what they want? How many have?
They'd toss an innocent man in the jail, as easy as tossing away an empty sweetie wrapper, just tae get what they want.

They'll destroy justice and a human out of sheer selfishness

No interest in right or wrong

"I want that. He can fucking pay the price so I get that"
People should be very worried about that.

It's disturbing.
How much is that the Cult of Personality

"How dare you even hint that my Hero, is no as pure as the driven snow!"?

Because if it is...
Nae hero, nae Indy

So much for Sovereign Scots...
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