I can see the difficulty with the impeachment. I can understand how likely it is to fail as a process. I see how bad the timing is for a new Biden administration. I can even see how it might help to rally partisan support behind seditionists....
... but what is the alternative? It's the only process left open to Congress to confront the existentially dangerous events that have taken place. Resignation is far better. But he won't resign. 25th is likely better. But the VP won't support it...
...so the only offer left is to ignore an incitement to deadly violence on Capitol Hill and somehow just move on, in the vague name of 'healing'. No testimony. No reparation. No consequences. Just let him leave on 20th and pretend it's as it was. Agitators still sitting there...
...In those circumstances, impeachment is the one imperfect alternative to doing nothing. Because those who harboured this seditionist refuse to break ranks and act on higher principle, even as a shot woman's blood is barely cold on the nearby floor....
Sometimes the right thing just has to be done - even when it seems futile or inconvenient or sub-optimal. Because the alternative is to make political calculation supreme over principle. And that's precisely what got those people killed. //
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