We are at the beginning of something. Not near the end
As soon as the insurrection was quelled, a majority of House Republicans and six Republican Senators cast their votes in favor of the very conspiracy theory that powered the putsch attempt.
Republican talking heads, commentators, and elected officials have as a group been far more vocal about Trump, his enablers, and many fake accounts being expelled from social media platforms than they have about the insurrection.
Very little GOP attention seems focused on the very violent intentions and plans of the insurrectionists. They planned to take hostages and murder people.
Social media access for fake followers and a president who has been inciting people to violence *for years* is a more important cause to the Republican Party than an insurrection. Think about that
If they cannot acknowledge the seriousness of what happened and why it happened and focus on it for more than a couple days, how can we expect the Republican Party to draw back from Trumpism?
Just the beginning
Oh and the militant milieu responsible for what happened on 6 Jan will be celebrating this day and using it to draw more thugs into their ranks.
There are Republicans - many of them - who want to tear their party away from Trump. But I fear it's just not enough. The rot is too deep
“There’s a whole lot of talk about what happened in far-right extremist forums and chatrooms today, and about how the inauguration on January 20 will be the last stand and now is the time to recruit,” McCord said. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6588908002?__twitter_impression=true
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