(1) These sausage wranglers keep using the word “Orwellian” and referencing 1984 in regard to the censorship their seeing by Social Media. But what they refuse to acknowledge is that Trump and his administration acted as their own Ministry of Truth
(2) It started on the very first day, Trump’s inauguration, when he insisted that the attendance set an all-time record. The following four years, he would insist that we did not hear what he said; we did not see what he did. He was joking. We took it out of context.
(3) Trump, and his administration, engaged in their own versions of newspeak and doublethink, indoctrinating millions of people who willfully participated in their Two Minutes Hate several times a day, everyday.
(4) Like 1984, when journalism refused to participate, the Trump admin demonized it - only allowing for news they agreed with - until their own (OAN) news outlet, was created, which peddled their narrative.
(5) The Trump admin turned enemies into puppets, voters into mental gymnasts. I know they weren’t held in a facility, but several critical politicians (Cruz, Rubio, Graham) ended up insisting that 2+2=5. They and millions of voters proclaimed “I Love Trump”
(6) Just as Winston did when he proclaimed that he loved Big Brother. So, when I hear these intellectual giants decry the decisions of a business, who has decided that enough is enough, and they invoke one of my favorite fucking books, steam comes out of my ears.
(7) Because it’s irony. It’s goddamned irony. The rhetoric of these Congresspersons shows that they now want to be the generals at war with Eastasia. They want to be the broadcasters of the Two Minutes Hate. They want Eastasia to become Eurasia.
(8) They want their own Ingsoc. It’s up to patriotic people to recognize this and call these motherfuckers out. Make them feel ashamed. Bring the people who have been duped out of their stupor. Give them REAL gin!
(9) Drive any politicians that want their own Party under a rock. At the very least make 1984 required reading in schools. Hell, Brave New World, too. Whatever needs to be done to keep these assholes from referencing awesome books incorrectly.
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