Ok cauliflower nachos are a game changer. Gotdamn delicious. I amazed myself with this recipe. I’m gonna write it down before I forget. Wait. I just turned into my mother.
Get your cookie sheet out. Chop the cauliflower florets. Like two small heads. Not too small dumbass. Slice up a purple onion. Put the cauliflower and onion on the cookie sheet.

Chicken prep: cube like three skinless boneless breasteses. Get you a ziploc bag. Put the chicken
In the bag. Chop you some green onion. Put that in the bag. Then add a splash of lemon juice. Then s&p. Then a chunk of brown sugar. Then a big pile of chopped garlic. Then a splash of garlic chili sauce. Splash of vinegar, splash of salsa.
Seal that bag and put it in the fridge for an hour. Then pour yourself a drink. You earned it.
Okay. Then prep your nacho toppers. In a bowl get your grape tomatoes, mushrooms, green onions, and pineapple tidbits ready for duty.
And for fuck sakes get your cheese shredded and in the fridge RTG. Okay. Preheat the oven to 415°. So rub up your cauliflower and red onions with some evoo and s&p. Get your chicken cooking in the frying pan.
Put the cauliflower in the oven for 20 minutes.
When your cauliflower is roasted and beautiful, top it with your fixings. Put that in the oven for 3 minutes to dry it out. You don’t want soggy ass nachos, right? Then take that out, put the chicken and cheese on it and broil til beautiful.
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