I regret to inform you that he is right. Obviously it's great that Trump is off Twitter, but watching multiple platforms flex their muscle in unison like this is terrifying and will absolutely be used to crush someone or something you care about. https://twitter.com/neontaster/status/1347915158878875650
I am not on board for this. I really want to be, but this feels like a terrible development, one that will absolutely be used someday against those trying to unionize Big Tech, expose industry wrongdoing, or threaten its political interests.
But dammit. Look at this. This is why we're in the position that we need private governments to solve the problem: because our public one was either unwilling or unable to act on its own. https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1347953797885255683
They spent a generation infecting the body politic, ignored every opportunity these last four years to treat the disease, and now are scandalized that the gangrenous limb might need to be removed. What did they expect?
So zero sympathy and plenty of anger. But still, what's happening now is terrible and I'm very, very alarmed. Those shrugging it off with "Oh, they're just private businesses choosing to deny certain customers a service" are not on the level. I am not reassured.
And don't get me started on this. Have we learned nothing since 9/11? No, not a second time. Everyone needs to take a big breath. We are not going down this road again. https://twitter.com/NormOrnstein/status/1347969828854910979
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