I think many - even still - fail to recognize the enormity of the situation...

Technology allowed us all to efficiently create echo chambers, resulting in two worlds being created, *each with their own developing language, culture, and reality-interpretation framework*.
One, broadly speaking, believes their media, the ‘expert’ class.. and believes conspiracies essentially don’t occur (at least not on any significant scale).

The other is extremely skeptical, if not openly hostile, and believes we’re being purposefully pushed in certain
directions that benefit hidden hands.

The important takeaway here is that we’ve reached a point in which our languages and cultures differ to such an extent that true *communication* becomes all but impossible. Even the same words used in the same sentence can now mean
two polar opposite things, to ears on opposing sides of this divide.

When communication becomes impossible, we lose the ability to relate or empathize, and all things begin to escalate, exponentially..

Avoiding mass-violence, at this stage, will take something of a miracle.
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