UMBREON'S TIER LIST — pokémon dub openings edition

i've had this idea for a while now and well there's no time like the present. basically this is gonna be a thread about my own personal opinions about the english dub openings. yes, a thread because i can't shut up. let's go
Pokémon Theme − Indigo League

this song is a MASTERPIECE. like it has no business slapping this hard?? iconic, extremely recognizable, cool visuals+lyrics, amazing instrumental+vocals and it fits the ambience of this season perfectly. call me basic but it's on S tier idc idc
Pokémon World − Orange Islands

i really like this opening! the hip hop vibes, the hype.. so good and it fits the series perfectly too. the lyrics aren't that good tho but it still kinda slaps. it's on B tier for me<3
Pokémon Johto − Johto Journeys

holy shit let me begin by stating a fact: all johto openings slap so fucking hard like all of them are my jams !! this one specifically is just so good and upbeat so powerful wow this is on top here<3 S tier gang
Born To Be A Winner − Johto League Champions

this one is so good !! i love how they used a verse from the pokémon theme but still keeping it interesting, fresh and unique - they even changed the melody of that verse! good beat too. A tier and well deserved <3
Believe in Me − Master Quest

this opening is so good holy shit i need to lie down. the lyrics, the vocals, the rock sound.. like damn do i need to say anything else????? it slaps so hard it sent me into next tuesday. S tier definitely like wow
I Wanna Be A Hero − Advanced

THE AG SERIES DIDN'T COME TO PLAY like ??? starting this series with a BANGER. i would've liked to hear more electric guitars with distortion and a more prominent bass tho,, it would've made it 10x better. A tier!
This Dream − Advanced Challenge

HOLY SHIT THIS ONE IS SDKLFSDFS literally no words i am speechless. the vibe?? the instrumental ?? the lyrics ???? tHE VOCALS ????? so good so so good we were blessed !!!! S tier no questions asked
Unbeatable − Advanced Battle

THIS ONE IS ALSO SO GOOD?? WHEN I TELL YOU AG DIDN'T COME TO PLAY I MEAN IT like??? again the guitars the vocals the melodies EVERYTHING is on point. another banger. S tier gang!!
Battle Frontier − Battle Frontier

this one is also so good !!!! i love the melodies, the lyrics are very good and over all has a very chill vibe. AG series said i'm gonna go out with a banger<3 and didn't disappoint. A tier!!
Diamond and Pearl − Diamond and Pearl

literally 2 seconds ago i was gonna say it sucked ass but.. now that i listen to it again it can have some rights. as a treat. B tier now! i was deadass gonna put it in E tier lol

but let's be honest it sounds like a limp bizkit song
We Will Be Heroes − Battle Dimension

ngl this one is a little boring :/ good vocals and lyrics but where's the passion ??? the energy ??? C tier. not the best but not horrible either
Battle Cry (Stand Up!) − Galactic Battles

really good opening !! it's epic, has good instrumental and very good vocals. this one also grew on me, i didn't like it that much at first. A tier !!
We Will Carry On − Sinnoh League Victors

one of my favorites ever! it sounds so hopeful and honestly, i have chills every time i hear the "it's about never giving up" part. i like the instrumental and how it's just the drums and the vocals in the line i just mentioned. S tier !
Black and White − Black & White

this opening is very good !! i like the vibe and the vocals. however, the animation thing used for the opening sucks ass imo and that kinda influences my decision lol B tier !!
Rival Destinies − BW Rival Destinies

lkdsjLKSÑFJSDÑ THIS SONG !! THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING !!!! it's so good i swear the first time i listened to it i almost cried. the vocals are so powerful, the instrumental is hopeful and the lyrics are so good!! S tier forever
It's Always You And Me − Adventures in Unova and Beyond

this one isn't bad at all, it has good vocals and stuff. however, it's not very memorable:/ i had absolutely forgotten its existence until now. for that, D tier. not bad though !!
Pokémon Theme (XY version) − XY

sorry xy stans out there but this version SUCKS. it doesn't feel organic and all it gave us was a wannabe edgy vibe:/ it isn't the first time the pkmn theme is used again and honestly this just isn't it. E tier:/
Be A Hero − Kalos Quest

are we gonna talk about how this opening sounds like We Rock from Camp Rock but emo or what ??? like deadass lkjdfs i could never take it seriously because of that

anyway again it feels like it's trying so hard to be edgy:/ C tier
Stand Tall − XYZ

another edgy opening but this one was done RIGHT !! maybe it's because it sounds like I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy.. anyway, liked it a lot!! definitely redeeming for the mess XY openings were for me lol A tier!!
Under The Alolan Sun − Sun & Moon

i like this one. it has a tropical vibe ofc so it matches perfectly with the vibe of the series, but i wish the vocals were more powerful. also, it sounds *a lot* like Por Qué No Se Van by Los Prisioneros. B tier!
Under The Alolan Moon − Ultra Adventures

thIS ONE SOUNDS LIKE A JUICE COMMERCIAL FROM THE MID 2000s I CAN'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY LJDSFS besides, the change in the vibe from the previous opening threw me off balance at first but it fits the plot. B tier !
The Challenge Of Life − Ultra Adventures

this one isn't bad but i just can't vibe with it?? like i know it's lacking something but i don't know what :( it's epic but it falls flat at the same time. C tier
The Journey Starts Today − Journeys

HOLY SHIT THIS ONE IS SO GOOD ?? i'm absolutely obsessed !! it has such a fun vibe, the lyrics fit ash and gou so well, the vocals are amazing and the instrumental is wonderful. it has master quest vibes too. S tier all the way !!!
anyway that's it! i had a lot of fun doing this even if it's long as fuck. also i'm sorry for all the comparisons since kalos quest but like,, my brain decided to do That and then never stopped lol

if you read all of this thank you !! i appreciate it a lot<3
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