Beware #DezNat. The blueprint for the internment camps already exists as a bill in CONgress; the "Do No Harm Act." (See Sec 2, (2) and (3))

In a nutshell, it opens up Churches to tort lawsuits, including those based on dignitary law. A thread...
Look up tort law and dignitary law if you are not familiar with it.

In short, the "Do No Harm Act" will open up Churches and related institutions to lawsuits based on nebulous claims of "victims" having suffered alleged stress, anxiety, or "injuries to their dignity."

The act would empower exmos and progmos to sue @Ch_JesusChrist, #BYU, and others based on any alleged harm done. Criminal law may also apply! Just think of the implications.

The cost of legal defense would bankrupt most Churches and create a toxic atmosphere for all.

Behold, @JoeBiden's nominee for Deputy AG; his very own Eric Holder. She is the perfect woman to brutally enforce the Do No Harm Act and bankrupt all Churches.

Don't even get me started on Ivy League Political Yentas hailing from Newton, MA.

I have little doubt that this woman was nominated largely to enforce this particular law, and expect it to be fast-tracked and passed.

Exmos and progmos will bury the Church in lawsuits the instant this bill becomes law. Many other Churches will fold without firing a shot.

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