Oh don’t even get me started on the ageism!!!! Why are internships only for college kids or recent grads, for example? Why won’t you hire a 35 year old for an entry level job? https://twitter.com/eric_c_wilder/status/1348036341465018368
Not everyone had the luxury of swanning off to NYC at 22. Some people worked in other fields to support themselves or stayed in other cities to save money. (And you better believe many young people who can jump into the NYC field right away are white with a good support system.)
There is some aversion because a 30+ person is going to rightfully demand higher wages. But then that reluctance trickles down to people who *will* take the bullshit starting salaries because they just want a damn job with security at age 40!
People switch fields. People decide to chase their interests when they feel it’s viable to do so.

And then you’ve even got people who were stuck in their mid-level job for ten or fifteen years and they get passed over because they’re too experienced and will cost too much! 💀
You also can’t tell me that ageism doesn’t keep out all the BIPOC folks who *could not* jump into the field at a young age, or were held down in their position for years and years until they had to abandon ship.
Also the whole practice of hiring young people so you can be a mentor who molds them in your image is........... Look, first, you can mentor a 40 year old. Second of all, you’re not hiring for *you* and *your ego*
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