I don't care what no one say tourism is colonialism.
It's a simple tweet that was indeed missing the word 'international' and yet tens of wypipo felt the need to hop in my mentions to be fucking pendants feigning ignorance about things like trips from Maryland to Brooklyn and college abroad trips to London.
If you thought for 3 secs you'd be very able to recognize the exploitative ways in which international tourism from wealthy countries to poor ones ends up cascading into governmental neglect as federal/local organizations pump funds into tourist attractions over domestic welfare.
It ends up with rich travel agencies and resorts (HQs based in rich countries) profiting off of the dirt cheap labor of average citizens while depressing external forms of commerce as they muscle in on profitable industry after profitable industry.
International tourism ends up horribly affecting delicate environments and ancient structures as adventurists and thrill seekers without cultural respect, care or true consequences hang from elephants and scale monuments and aid in poaching and pollute waterways and
...destroy coral reefs. The capitalist exploitation of international tourism becomes another form of colonialism because of this. It ties nations up in allegiance to richer countries through entire economies built upon tourism.
Many island nations like the Bahamas, Macau, Arbuba overwhelmingly rely on travel and tourism. Can you not imagine the ways countries like the U.S. with its heavy hammer of sanctions can very easily manipulate these nations (and others) into cooperation through coercion?
In this year of 2021 can one not see how even something like a vaccine could be leveraged over the heads of travel and tourism areas/nations?
Like I'm really looking for the words in any of these tweets that said TRAVEL was colonialism? Or that going from Nashville to Los Angeles is colonialism or even from the U.S. to London? Oh wait, I never indicated or said any of that but you non-Whites wanted your daily dunk.
I don't think Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is colonialism, or that it those w/ families in other countries seeing their folks is colonial. I see wealthy (often yt populated) countries hopping over to poor countries to exploit labor, fetishize cultural heritages with 'exoticism'...
... actively harm citizens with overpolicing for tourist comfort and safety and facilitate wealthier people partaking in all the luxuries of a nation while it's people toil and work themselves to the bone to make that fantasy come true. Meanwhile all the windfall and riches...
...Fund the very appartuses creating the exploitation in the first place. It's fucked up and YES it's colonial.
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